Working Hard to Help our NHS Heroes!
We at Davin Foods are doing our best to help in the fight against COVID-19. The doctors and nurses on the front line put their lives on the line to take care of the sick and make sure that the rest of us stay safe every single day. So, to show our token of appreciation, we have been providing food for our NHS Heroes via hospitals, charities, and organisations.
We make healthy fresh juices and fruit pots for the thousands of NHS front line heroes all over the city. We donate the food and juices to different hospitals – Queens Hospital and Northwick Park Hospital, charities, and organisations who make sure that it gets to the NHS Heroes: the doctors and nurses.
In a time like this, the most forgotten of our communities are the homeless people. But at Davin Foods, they are also a top priority. FareShare is an organisation that makes sure the homeless in the city are fed. For this reason, we have been donating surplus food to them.
The only way we could meet all the demands is because of our amazing volunteers who work without complaint or delay to prepare the thousands and thousands of fruit jars and juices that get delivered to the most deserving of our city: the NHS Heroes and the homeless.
City Harvest London is an organisation fighting food wastage and shortage across the city. We are proud to work with them as well!
We cannot do this alone. Please contact us through our social media accounts if you’d like to become one of our willing volunteers or even, donors.
Any help is deeply appreciated and definitely needed.
Please remember to wash your hands thoroughly, stay inside, and continue to practice social distancing. It will keep you, your loved ones, and the community safe.